Tuesday, December 6, 2016

December Woes + Pre-Holiday Indulgence

Christmas is three weeks away as of today. How crazy does this feel? Although we got a light dumping of snow last night it barely feels like December, and it's a little disappointing to hear we are expecting rain tonight, which will wash away all of the white stuff we have.

I only have a couple of gifts left to get, but I did stand in line for longer than I would have liked at Bath & Body Works on Saturday. They had their 3-wick candles on for $10.50 (Canadian) so I picked up a few for my sister because literally the only thing she wanted besides cash was candles. Go figure.

Ways it feels like December - I'm getting ready to fight my annual lip-battle. Cold, dry weather coupled with the stress of the holidays means I'm about ready for a nasty cold sore. I woke up this morning with dry, slightly swollen lips so I'm carrying my essentials in my purse hoping I can fight it off.

My favourite person on Snapchat is What's Gaby Cooking. Almost every Friday she posts a "Snapisode" where she shows you how to cook a recipe. Last Friday night I was lying in bed watching her make Snickerdoodle Blondies when I realized I had all of the ingredients I needed. The first batch was gone by Saturday night, and as of this morning we were halfway done the second batch. Definitely a new staple recipe.

Is anyone else already struggling with holiday indulgence? Snickerdoodles, Christmas parties, cold-weather comfort food (I ate grilled cheese two nights in a row last week, followed by a night of Thai food), and more is already making me feel more bloated than usual. I carefully laid out my meal plan for this week, got my water bottles ready, and am making the gym a priority this week.

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