Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Non-Scale Victories + Mental Health Improvements

Today will be my second day back in the gym after taking an entire week off and I am so excited. Does this count as a non-scale victory? I never thought I would be so happy to lift heavy things or do some cardio. What started as vanity has turned into something so much more wonderful.

My best friend celebrated her champagne birthday this weekend and it was such a mental boost to get to spend it with her. We've been friends for 20 years and having her in my life is something so matter-of-fact that I can't imagine not having her in my life. I also got to reconnect with friends I haven't seen in years and it's amazing how easily you can fall back into conversation despite the new jobs, relationships, and other life events you've experienced in that time.

On Sunday I spent most of the day in my car, driving around Southern/South Western Ontario putting together (what I think is) an epic birthday present for Michael. He turns 26 at the end of August and I've spent a lot of time researching and executing this present. I find with the heat my appetite has lessened, but I'm so thankful I always keep a protein bar in my purse in case of emergencies. By the end of my mini road trip I was starving!

Between working a ton of hours and trying to fit in time for the gym I've really let my room get crazy. I wrote out a day-to-day list and I'm tackling my room one section or task at a time. It's only day two and so far I've made a huge improvement. Personally, I love breaking down one big task into a bunch of smaller ones because it makes it seem more doable.

I'm still struggling mentally but I feel like I'm starting to rise up. I have some big decisions to make in the following weeks but now that I have a better idea of what I'm going to choose I feel like I have so much more room in my brain. The clearing out of my room is also helping but I have something productive to focus on, but the physical organization also makes me feel mentally organized. As we all know, exercise is also a huge factor in boosting mental health so I'm riding that high as well. And, finally, I'm so thankful for the love and support my friends and family have given me the past two weeks. I'm used to being the one people rely on so it's nice to know they have my back in return.

What do you do to boost your mood?
Do you like to take on one big task, or break it into various small tasks?

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