Friday, January 23, 2015

Rewarding My Own Good Behaviour

Just earlier this week I commented on Canadian Girl Runs' blog post about nutrition, stating that I don't believe food should be used as a reward.

Guess who broke her own rule. Yup, that would be me.

But I swear it was for a totally good reason! (Do you believe me? I didn't think so.)

This morning I somehow managed to get up before work and fit in an hour long workout a the gym. I have set my alarm every damn day this week and, although I fit in a workout most days, I ended up only going to the gym in the evening and only fitting in one early yoga session at home. 

Maybe I was motivated after the annoying sales session last night. 

Either way, somehow I went to the gym, worked out for an hour, showered, went home to get myself and stuff ready for work, and have time to spare. To treat myself for being so awesome I stopped by Starbucks for a latte and a muffin. 

Whatever. Treat yo' self. 

Also, isn't it incredible what a blow-dryer and some mascara can do? 

How do you reward yourself/treat yo' self? 

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