Sunday, March 1, 2015

Spontaneous Purchases, Puppy Cuddles, and the Week Ahead

Happy Sunday!

Were you up early like me or did you sleep in? The boyfriend woke up to me staring at him and the following conversation:

Me: "I hope you don't have any plans for Canada Day."
BF: "Why?"
Me: "Because I just bought us Jay's tickets."
BF: "Well I guess I have plans now."

This makes up for not nabbing tickets for the Home Opener.

I also had some morning snuggles with the pup. Part hound and part lab, he's 75+ pounds of neediness and I absolutely love it.

I definitely spoil him.

It's been warmer than usual this weekend (my car read -4 degrees yesterday, a huge charge from the -30 degree weather we were having) so we headed over to the dog park. It was the perfect weather. In the summer we only let them run for 15-20 minutes because they overheat so quickly, but the winter weather means they can play for so much longer.

A Panera Bread opened up in my area not too long ago so the boyfriend and I went to try it out this morning. I was surprisingly full after a breakfast sandwich and latte so I didn't end up having a pastry. Now that it's been a couple of hours and my food is digested I'm disappointed with myself for making that decision.

I still have a bunch of errands to run to get ready for this week. Last week was so busy at work that I only finished my meal plan and grocery list today at breakfast. I love meal planning and am usually so eager that I finish my Sunday grocery list by Friday morning, so I'm feeling really thrown off my routine.

Anyways, here's looking at my week ahead:

Monday: Legs. Hot yoga.
Tuesday: Speed training and cycling.
Wednesday: Easy run. Arms & abs.
Thursday: Cycling. Yoga.
Friday: Full body.
Saturday: Rest.
Sunday: 12 kilometers. Yoga.

I'm taking my training really easy this time around. May will be my fourth half marathon so I'm less worried about building my mileage and more concerned with building stronger muscles and focusing on speed.

How's your Sunday going? Are you a lover of schedules and routine like I am?

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