Saturday, May 2, 2015

Twas the Night Before a Half Marathon...

Usually I like to be super prepared before a race but up until 8:00PM I was still running around trying to find a specific pair of Nike crops. An hour later I think I have everything ready, I'm getting in some more water before I need to crawl into bed, and my fur-baby is checking out my race bib.

My energy finally feels like it's picking up after two weeks of exhaustion. I managed to fit in three long walks with my dogs and three outdoor workouts this week. I love that the weather has picked up and I can skip the busy gym. Although I am still shelling out money every two weeks for my membership... hmm...

My mom also made the awful mistake of buying oversized red licorice the other night. Every time I walk by the package I can't resist a piece or two, or three.

To rest up for tomorrow I spent the day outside in my new hammock with an iced coffee and planning out a trip for my boyfriend and I in October after I'm finished my last race of the year.

We spent a long time out in the sunshine so my boyfriend and I curled up with some Netflix and a super needy dog.

Perfect way to spend the day before a race.

Do you have any pre-race rituals? Are you a prepared racer or a last minute packer?

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