Sunday, July 27, 2014

Iced Coffee Obsessed

Surprisingly, I love iced coffee. I'm not a huge coffee drinker besides the occasional latte from Starbucks, but as soon as the heat hits I get this thirst for iced coffee that can never be quenched. Unfortunately, this habit gets expensive over three-ish months. Now, I've been trying to make it myself on the days I really need a pick-me-up.

I've seen this easy recipe on a ton of blogs so credit goes to everyone but myself. All I do is wake up, brew an espresso in my Tassimo, let it cool while I get ready, mix it with a cup (or more) of almond milk, and a dash of sugar. We have a ton of reuseable travel cups for both hot and cold drinks in my house so I usually just throw it in one and head out the door.
I don't know why it didn't occur to me sooner just how simple iced coffee could be.

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