Sunday, April 12, 2015

Taper Madness

I'm officially in taper mode. I went on my first taper run tonight and it sucked. Big time. 

I usually enjoy tapering but today was off. I aimed for 13K and within the first kilometer I was feeling off. I had a twinge happening in my right-side hip, felt like I had shin-splints coming on, and my legs felt like lead. Awful. 

I didn't know what to do. I needed the mileage but didn't want to burn myself out. Besides running a half-marathon at the beginning of May I have a 10K in Toronto next weekend. I decided to turn it into a weird, long speed-training session, minus the speed. I switched to running 0.8K and then walking 0,2K for my run. I started feeling better about half-way through but didn't want to chance it but letting my ego take over. 

Side note: it was 14 degrees at 8PM! Crazy!

To treat myself for keeping my ego in check I made myself a huge smoothie. It looked like swamp water but was SO good. Banana, peanut butter, spinach, vanilla protein, and chocolate almond milk.

I'm going to focus on yoga, stretching, and foam-rolling over the next couple of weeks. Although I've never been better at the rest and recovery stuff this time around I'm definitely still not where I should be. 

Other updates since I've been MIA lately: 

I got into the Nike run in Toronto. I'm pretty sure everyone made it through the lottery but I've always wanted to run either the Washington or San Francisco race so I'm excited they've brought it local. 

I got tickets for Rise Against for July! Since I met my boyfriend four years ago I've talked about how badly I wanted to see both the Foo Fighters and Rise Against live, and this summer I get to see them both!

I'm back in school. After spending four years studying communications and one year studying PR and corporate communication my company is paying for me to take accounting courses at a local college. I'm finishing up my second week so between balancing work, school, and running I've had very little time for blogging, or a social life. 

What's happening with you lately? Do you suffer from taper madness? 

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